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Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:44 am
by Laserdisc Dream


:!: :arrow:

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:54 am
by T4N63R1N3 DR34M
8) 8)

.....except for the FSK thing (again, ruining the cover)

WHY do they insist on this stupid regulation.? :x

Why can't it be just a sticker, instead of being printed onto the sleeve ?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:58 am
by ant
:( Oh Dear!! Great to have TD at long last on Blu Ray BUT............... they have messed up the sound. I got One Night in Space also yesterday and the sound on that is also messed up. When I say messed up I mean it does not do what it says on the box. When you go into the menu screen and select the audio set up it gives you a choice of either 2.0 stereo or 5.1 surround. The 2.0 stereo is probably about what it is, although the sound did seem very low volume wise. However, when you select 5.1 surround - it isn't!! Yes it is better than the sound on the 2.0 track but it is not 5.1 as on my amplifier it just registers as 2 channel but it does have surround sound. It seems to me to be just old fashioned surround sound but not proper full 5.1. As I say, it is exactly the same on the One Night in Space disc. How can you bring something out on Blu Ray that is inferior to DVD - what is the point in that. In all ways it should be far superior. Very very disappointing and shame on Membran!! The picture quality seems fine but as I was so annoyed about the sound problem I lost interest in watching them completely. I took the chance hoping it was going to be a fantastic TD Blu Ray experience but boy was I let down. Yes I can say I have two TD gigs on Blu Ray but unfortunately I have to add that the DVD's are better and that's is the first time I have said that!!

Edgar - Once you have finished your amazing gig with Mr May this Friday you need to get on to Membran and give them a very strong piece of your mind - you have been let down badly by them and they need to put it right and offer to replace these copies once they have done so, especially when they cost me nearly £40!!

Avoid them please, unless you are just happy to say you have them on Blu Ray, even though the sound is nothing like it should be. :arrow: :(

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:27 pm
by Ravnnet
Oh, boy thanks for the info ant. I have cancelled my order - Blu-ray discs should have top notch quality in picture and sound...

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:58 pm
by ant
:( Ravnnet you are exactly right. This was a big big let down. How can they put on the case that it is 5.1 when it clearly isn't? Should be able to get them under the trade descriptions act!! If it had been transferred correctly I think it would have been awesome but I feel these will just become unplayed (or maybe played once) collector's items instead of discs threatened with wear and tear due to excessive use. All I can hope is that one day someone will do them the justice they deserve with a proper Blu Ray release. :(

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:39 pm
by multivit72
somehow I was afraid something like this might happen...

I think we have to wait for a "genuine" BD release that was planned as such from the beginning stage to get decent quality...

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:03 pm
by Chris Monk
Shame. I was looking forward to the whole TD Blu Ray experience. At least I've saved myself a bundle of cash.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:18 am
by Ravnnet
Yes we saved cash :shock: but I miss the concert in super quality :twisted: because I was in London at the concert in spite of my air travel company Sterling went bankrupt just 3 days before. And I worked there too :shock: ...but got tickets from Easyjet instead :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:19 am
by ant
:) Well folks last night I decided to watch the London Eye Blu Ray and it wasn't a total disaster after all. I listened on my 5.1 headphones and despite it not being in 5.1 it actually sounded a lot clearer than the DVD 5.1 mix surprisingly. Iris' drums and Linda's sax seem more prominent. You could notice a few sound blips along the way but I think they were probably on the DVD too. The synch between picture and sound was out in a few places but I also think that was the case on the DVD too. The picture quality was very good and sharp and I am not sure but I thought there were a couple of shots that I did not remember seeing on the DVd but that may just be me having not watched the DVD for some time.

So overall not a complete failure and who knows, they may have felt that the original 5.1 mix was not that good and decided to do it this way. If that was so then they should have mentioned it on the sleeve notes though.

All in all I am giving it 7 out of 10.

I will watch the One Night In Space one in a few days and will report back on that too.

Then I will leave it up to you whether to go for them or not.

May be worth buying one and seeing what you think and if you don't like it don't get the other.

Would be nice to hear someone else's thoughts on the overall production as I don't want to be to blame for putting everyone off it when of course you may not agree with me.

Give it a go someone and let me know what you think. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:59 am
by ant
:) Have played One Night In Space a couple of times and my comments for this are exactly as that for the London Eye release as they both have the sound recorded in the same way. As I say, not true 5.1 but still good enough as to not spoil your enjoyment of them and the picture quality is good. So, I give this 7/10 too purely because it is Blu Ray and it has not been put together at the right standard of quality overall. A shame but it is still good to have a couple of TD gigs on Blu Ray. Just one word of advice to those involved in the production of these Blu Rays - GET IT RIGHT NEXT TIME!!

Would still love to see someone else buy one of them just to see if they agree with me or not. Currently I feel like the lone TD Blu Ray owner. Maybe that will make my discs worth a fortune in years to come but probably not!!

Go on someone, be a devil and give one of them a go - I dare you. :lol:

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:52 pm
by Ravnnet
Please buy those discs!

I have them and I give them 8.5 of 10 - both discs are huge improvements of the DVD's - the biggest improvement is of the Frankfurt show. More comments later on ;-)

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:40 am
by ant
:) Ravnnet

Will be good to hear your opinions on the sound. As I said, the sound to me was not too bad but they did not register on my system as 5.1.

I agree that they are worth buying because the picture quality is very good. I am looking forward to the Starmus Blu Ray which will hopefully have the sound coming out as 5.1. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:26 pm
by multivit72
Both are available for 16,99 euro at jpc at the moment...

Still won't buy them since I already own the DVDs - if you don't, that's a fair price I'd think

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:02 pm
by ant
:( According to CDS in Dundee the Membran warehouse has gone up in smoke so apart from existing copies held by stockists these two concerts may never see the light of day on Blu-Ray again, unless TD can get them released by someone else???

If that does happen then maybe we can get them with proper 5.1 sound!!

At least I have my two copies to cherish. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:45 pm
by Chris Monk
ant wrote::( According to CDS in Dundee the Membran warehouse has gone up in smoke so apart from existing copies held by stockists these two concerts may never see the light of day on Blu-Ray again, unless TD can get them released by someone else???

If that does happen then maybe we can get them with proper 5.1 sound!!

At least I have my two copies to cherish. :)
Oops. That's not good. was thinking of buying these some time in the future...

...probably when I've got a Blu-Ray player. :oops: