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Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:35 am
by bigmoog
Michael66 wrote:If they don't turn the earth into a black hole with the collider, someone somehow is certainly going to use the results of the experiments for building new and deadlier weapons. Do these physicists ever think about why they get the money for their research? For them it's just about satisfying their curiosity without caring about what comes after.
Someone should turn this stupid collider into a racecourse for hamsters. I'm serious. I'm not the least bit curious about what they're going to find out, because it will be bad anyway one way or the other. The less we know about particle physics, the better for the safety of the planet. The human race shows day by day it's not mature enough for handling secrets of this caliber.

It's already worse enough there's a high probability the U.S. will soon be in the hands of religious nutcase Sarah Palin. She's just itching for Armageddon because she thinks it's going to trigger the second coming of her beloved Jeeezus. We really do not need even the possibility of another class of deadly weapons in the hands of anyone at this point in time.

Rant over, feel better now. :)

I understand your angle....but without CERN, no Tim Berners Lee, no TBL no World Wide Web, no WWW, no Forums, No forums, NO BIGMOOG :shock:

but I despair about the US elections.....Palin is Anti Abortion - yet has a dodgy family, she wants full Teaching of creationism in schools - hey the Dinosaurs were mans contemporaries, the devil exists, fossils are Gods way of testing our faith zzzzzzz, etc.....she is just another hypocrite reactionary...lets hope the Democrats get in (not exactly thrilled by that either)........

While some scientists (Dawkins) are just as self righteous as the religious right, we must have some faith in science....the LHC while an expensive (4bn euros) machine is testament to man's enquiring mind....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:16 am
by Michael66
bigmoog wrote:but I despair about the US elections.....Palin is Anti Abortion - yet has a dodgy family, she wants full Teaching of creationism in schools - hey the Dinosaurs were mans contemporaries, the devil exists, fossils are Gods way of testing our faith zzzzzzz, etc.....she is just another hypocrite reactionary...lets hope the Democrats get in (not exactly thrilled by that either)........

While some scientists (Dawkins) are just as self righteous as the religious right, we must have some faith in science....the LHC while an expensive (4bn euros) machine is testament to man's enquiring mind....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Currently about every 3 hrs another Palin scandal pops up (heres a small selection: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), but nothing seems to hurt her.
Her fans must be just as crazy as she is, and that is very scary. And McCain looks as if he doesn't drop dead tomorrow, he certainly drops dead the day after tomorrow. Two years after the election at the latest.

The LHC with all its coils and magnets appears as if it could well be turned into a damn good HiFi loudspeaker system. Wouldnt that be a lot more fun?

Ok serious question: Do you know where the 4bn Euros come from exactly? I've tried to find out yesterday, but Google just came up with a lot of black holes.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:21 am
by har
Major concerns about this "black hole generator" , if it passes off okay I hope the technology is used for the correct purposes! :?

Obama seems like the best option here :?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:22 am
by bigmoog
Michael66 wrote:
bigmoog wrote:but I despair about the US elections.....Palin is Anti Abortion - yet has a dodgy family, she wants full Teaching of creationism in schools - hey the Dinosaurs were mans contemporaries, the devil exists, fossils are Gods way of testing our faith zzzzzzz, etc.....she is just another hypocrite reactionary...lets hope the Democrats get in (not exactly thrilled by that either)........

While some scientists (Dawkins) are just as self righteous as the religious right, we must have some faith in science....the LHC while an expensive (4bn euros) machine is testament to man's enquiring mind....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Currently about every 3 hrs another Palin scandal pops up (heres a small selection: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), but nothing seems to hurt her.
Her fans must be just as crazy as she is, and that is very scary. And McCain looks as if he doesn't drop dead tomorrow, he certainly drops dead the day after tomorrow. Two years after the election at the latest.

The LHC with all its coils and magnets appears as if it could well be turned into a damn good HiFi loudspeaker system. Wouldnt that be a lot more fun?

Ok serious question: Do you know where the 4bn Euros come from exactly? I've tried to find out yesterday, but Google just came up with a lot of black holes.

:idea: I think the 4bn euros came out of EuroMillions lottery cash

Imagine an America, where 50%+ of the population believe that the earth was created in 7 days and man is not descended from apes zzzzzzzzzzz

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:26 am
by Michael66
bigmoog wrote: :idea: I think the 4bn euros came out of EuroMillions lottery cash
and now they blow it all in one go ... :wink:

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:30 am
by bigmoog
Michael66 wrote:
bigmoog wrote: :idea: I think the 4bn euros came out of EuroMillions lottery cash
and now they blow it all in one go ... :wink:

but we could discover something....

but with the science underway at CERN......are you not interested in the possibilities?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:51 am
by Michael66
bigmoog wrote:but we could discover something....

but with the science underway at CERN......are you not interested in the possibilities?
If first there'd be a machine that'd make our killer- and self-destructive instincts go away, and then if we'd build the collider where it can't hurt anybody (somewhere between Mars and Jupiter, maybe?) ... - I would be interested.

But switching on the thing on the basis of "Ok listen admittedly we haven't figured out the risks completely, but we're fairly certain everything will be just fine. We're scientists, trust us (but please don't blame us if stuff happens we don't understand yet!)" - I think that is BATSHIT CRAZY.

Just like the guys who built the atom bomb and who weren't quite sure if it'd ignite the Earth's atmosphere. Ok in that case we were lucky. Sort of.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:56 am
by bigmoog
you have to remember that the energies created in the LHC are tiny compared to collisions occuring in the universe every day all the time....7Tev is tiny tiny energy levels compared to the infinite beauty of the cosmos...I advise not to follow the scaremongers in the holes? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........I will say here though that Im not on the CERN payroll (my last invoice was rejected.........)

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:15 pm
by Michael66
bigmoog wrote:you have to remember that the energies created in the LHC are tiny compared to collisions occuring in the universe every day all the time....7Tev is tiny tiny energy levels compared to the infinite beauty of the cosmos...I advise not to follow the scaremongers in the holes? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........I will say here though that Im not on the CERN payroll (my last invoice was rejected.........)
What do you think about Dr. Otto Rössler's "Seven Reasons for Demanding an LHC Safety Conference" ? (scroll a bit, but the interview is interesting too)
He argues that man-made mini black holes might behave different than naturally occuring black holes in that they may be stationary and not just pass through the Earth before they can do any harm.

Here's a YouTube interview with him where he explains why the LHC black holes could be dangerous, but it's in German:

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:31 pm
by bigmoog
Michael66 wrote:
bigmoog wrote:you have to remember that the energies created in the LHC are tiny compared to collisions occuring in the universe every day all the time....7Tev is tiny tiny energy levels compared to the infinite beauty of the cosmos...I advise not to follow the scaremongers in the holes? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........I will say here though that Im not on the CERN payroll (my last invoice was rejected.........)
What do you think about Dr. Otto Rössler's "Seven Reasons for Demanding an LHC Safety Conference" ? (scroll a bit, but the interview is interesting too)
He argues that man-made mini black holes might behave different than naturally occuring black holes in that they may be stationary and not just pass through the Earth before they can do any harm.

Here's a YouTube interview with him where he explains why the LHC black holes could be dangerous, but it's in German:

I completely disagree with him (note: I am not a physicist or scientist, ..I do have a Computer science and english degree amongst other things,,,,,,,,but I have a brain....which is currently awol)

This is based on professional jealousy imho, but it is healthy to have scientific debate........the real time for watching what LHC will achieve will be full injection of opposing beams around 10th October.....

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:01 pm
by Michael66
I'm not a scientist either, but I just don't like the thought of scientists toying with the possibility of turning into grey goo everything I love. Who do they think they are? They have no right to do so. This is madness.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:16 pm
by bigmoog
Michael66 wrote:I'm not a scientist either, but I just don't like the thought of scientists toying with the possibility of turning into grey goo everything I love. Who do they think they are? They have no right to do so. This is madness.

hmm, the LHC is just the latest of many synchrotrons/colliders , its just bigger and more powerful.....on what do you base the idea that the LHC will turn everything into grey goo? Its not a weapon, its an experiment to determine the nature of reality......

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:47 pm
by Michael66
bigmoog wrote:hmm, the LHC is just the latest of many synchrotrons/colliders , its just bigger and more powerful.....on what do you base the idea that the LHC will turn everything into grey goo? Its not a weapon, its an experiment to determine the nature of reality......
They are going into areas they could not go before (that was the point of building exactly that collider, wasn't it?), and they admit they're not sure what to expect. On what basis can we be sure that what they trigger won't be dangerous, if they don't know themselves where they are going? They're like babies not being able to recognise yet if it's a gun or a water pistol they're holding.

Take that with the grey goo figuratively, maybe it's pink with little green dots ...

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:58 pm
by bigmoog
Michael66 wrote:
bigmoog wrote:hmm, the LHC is just the latest of many synchrotrons/colliders , its just bigger and more powerful.....on what do you base the idea that the LHC will turn everything into grey goo? Its not a weapon, its an experiment to determine the nature of reality......
They are going into areas they could not go before (that was the point of building exactly that collider, wasn't it?), and they admit they're not sure what to expect. On what basis can we be sure that what they trigger won't be dangerous, if they don't know themselves where they are going? They're like babies not being able to recognise yet if it's a gun or a water pistol they're holding.

Take that with the grey goo figuratively, maybe it's pink with little green dots ...

yes, but its all very exciting :D

Personally, I find the whole arena of quantum physics/cosmology etc fascinating, its a mind expander...Im not scared at all about what may or may not be discovered.......I have no fear of progress, I have no fear of the possibilities, the knowledge


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:38 pm
by wayfarer
Bloody hell, it's like the Dark Ages on here :lol:

Being afraid of what the LHC can achieve is not much different from those that feared to travel by boat in case they dropped off a flat earth and those that thought our bodies would turn to mush by travelling in a car.