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TD will start doing film music again

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:12 pm
by Jon
In a recent interview, Edgar stated this. Great news, I have really missed them in the film music business since The Switch in 1993.

Let's start to speculate:

What will be their comeback score? Let's face it, they will not receive offers from big productions, it will most probably be low-budget and B-movies, and possibly even TV.

Did anyone hear Edgar talk about this in the recent AFRM (?) interview?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:45 am
by Erik
recent, as in, already happened?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:47 pm
by Jon
Yes, the interview has already happened.

Re: TD will start doing film music again

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:02 pm
by Chris Monk
Jon wrote:Did anyone hear Edgar talk about this in the recent AFRM (?) interview?
It's ARfm. Sadly they don't have an archive.

Can't work out whether or not I'm happy about TD entering into soundtrack work again. I guess I'll have to wait to hear the results. I hope it doesn't curb their studio albums or touring.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 12:02 am
by sparrow
Apart for the odd soundtrack I was never a big fan of TD's movie music. Heartbreakers & Firestarter being an exception. It'll be interesting to hear what they come up with and yes if it's out on CD I'll buy.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 1:01 am
by Justin
I'm excited by TD returning to soundtrack work. Exposes them to a potentially different audience, plus very interested to see which projects they get connected with. Something with a cinema release would be cool.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 1:49 pm
by Chris Monk
Justin wrote:I'm excited by TD returning to soundtrack work. Exposes them to a potentially different audience, plus very interested to see which projects they get connected with. Something with a cinema release would be cool.
Have to say that I've long held the hope that they would score a runaway box office best seller so that I wouldn't need to explain who Tangerine Dream really are. If you say to someone these days that they scored Risky Business, The Keep or Legend they just look at you blankly.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 10:33 pm
by TD Eye
Biography of Edgar being filmed :?: :idea: :arrow:

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 10:39 pm
by Erik
TD Eye wrote:Biography of Edgar being filmed :?: :idea: :arrow:
that would be intense.

so i'm guessing this hasn't been transcribed or recorded? :(

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 9:22 pm
by Chris Monk
TD Eye wrote:Biography of Edgar being filmed :?: :idea: :arrow:
They could get Nick Nolte to play Edgar. :wink:

I think Edgar would appreciate the irony of that. :wink:

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:40 pm
by T4N63R1N3 DR34M
I almost posted a similar reply :lol:


Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 12:45 am
by TD Eye
T4N63R1N3 DR34M wrote:I almost posted a similar reply :lol:

:) :) :) :)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:09 pm
by alipaul
Every two years one of our favorite international art exhibitions takes place: The Biennale in Venice/Italy. It shows contemporary works from mainly young but also established artists all over the world which are sheltered in pavilions separated into countries. Edgar and me we very much like the atmosphere in Venice and especially the big garden-like grounds of this art exhibition with its very interesting young, fresh, sometimes provoking exhibits. This is one good reason to visit Venice from time to time.

The last time we went there we experienced some funny occurrences. There are some special moments in Edgar's life where he gets overwhelmed by romantic attacks and he suggested to me a relaxed gondola ride through the Canale Grande. The weather conditions were ideal, the sun was shining, Venice was full of tourists as ever and I immediately started looking out for the most simpatico gondolier and finally we found one with that typical ringed shirt over a muscular body wearing a black round hat. The classic postcard situation - wonderful.

After we finally sat down in the shaking nutshell without touching water we enjoyed the ride very much as the first little channel we were passing was smooth and the atmosphere was extremely relaxed - something we missed for a long time. But then, suddenly the fresh breeze let us hear these familiar voices which we couldn't identify immediately. We saw another gondola in the distance approaching slowly to us. We realized a very big gondola full of big American people (that's only a description of a fact, nothing more), all wearing caps, shorts, sunglasses and cameras - their gondolier standing in the back struggling to move this gondola forwards. Now the distance of that boat and ours became less and suddenly the gondolier of the American tourist boat looked over to us, with a frozen look to Edgar and shouted very loud through the whole channel:

"Look, look - NICK NOLTE!!" Edgar and me automatically turned our heads but we couldn't see Nick Nolte......The gondolier repeated shouting and showing with his finger to Edgar: "NICK, NICK how are you?? We are so happy to meet you!" Now we were suspecting something.......but had no time to think about it, because the riot break loose....the American tourists tried to stand up in their boat and screamed "Nick Nolte! Hi, Nick Nolte!" and wildly raised their hands and cameras to make a snapshot from Edgar and me!!! The clicking of the cameras didn't stop at all, the screaming and waving hands neither and we shouted to our gondolier to move the gondola a bit faster to pass these crazed tourists. "Oh, my God", this was my one thought, "what will Mrs. Nolte think when she will be informed about the fact that her husband rove about with a new girlfriend in Venice??" This is getting absurd now.....The breast of our gondolier was swelling visibly and full of pride (to drive a super star from America!) he shouted to the other gondolier something in Italian which was hard to understand but could be roughly translated as "I already had more stars in my boat than you...!". Finally Edgar gesticulated something with his hands that he is not the person they think of, but without success. The tourists were laughing, their boat was shaking and they were heavily waving their hands even when their gondola was disappearing several meters now.

What about a relaxing and romantic gondola ride?? We were relieved now that the little nightmare was over and enjoyed the rest of the ride. When arriving the pier again we decided to have a coffee in a small Venetian café. The waiter came and suddenly we saw the same frozen look which we realized before in the gondolier's face with the American tourists on board. But after staring at us the waiter disappeared for a minute. Then he came back with a big leathern book. We thought that he would bring us the menu that's why we said: "No, thank you we just want two coffees please." But the waiter said when looking at Edgar: "I know who you are!" Edgar only said: "Ah, yes, that's interesting!" "You are Nick Nolte! But I won't tell anybody else! Please give me an autograph here into my VIP guest book!" said the waiter. Edgar replied: "But I'm not Mr. Nolte, sorry!" The waiter smiled at us making this typical Italian gesture (he draw one eye with his forefinger very wide by opening his mouth at the same time) and looked carefully to the left and to the right replying in a whispering tone: "Yes, Sir, I know what you mean. Believe me I won't reveal that this is you, Mr. Nolte."

Edgar and me then had a long-lasting look at each other and we both thought the same: Let's surrender and be part of this game! Edgar signed something into the waiter's guest book which could hardly be recognized as a signature but the Venetian waiter (who told us afterwards that he's the proprietor of the café) was very content and happy. Finally he brought us the long awaited coffee which he vehemently refused us to pay for. After a while we said "ciao and mille grazie" and when leaving the site we felt thousand eyes on our back ......Bella Italia!

Isn't it absurd being recognized as a famous person but not as the person you really are?

Who said that reality isn't surreal sometimes?

This is part of a blog on the TDOC on the same subject

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:43 am
by Insvims
Great news! Will be very interesting to hear what a new soundtrack will sound like, and as you have already mentioned, what films they will score.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 5:41 pm
by Chris Monk
alipaul wrote:Every two years one of our favorite international art exhibitions takes place: The Biennale in Venice/Italy. It shows contemporary works from mainly young but also established artists all over the world which are sheltered in pavilions separated into countries. Edgar and me we very much like the atmosphere in Venice and especially the big garden-like grounds of this art exhibition with its very interesting young, fresh, sometimes provoking exhibits. This is one good reason to visit Venice from time to time.

The last time we went there we experienced some funny occurrences. There are some special moments in Edgar's life where he gets overwhelmed by romantic attacks and he suggested to me a relaxed gondola ride through the Canale Grande. The weather conditions were ideal, the sun was shining, Venice was full of tourists as ever and I immediately started looking out for the most simpatico gondolier and finally we found one with that typical ringed shirt over a muscular body wearing a black round hat. The classic postcard situation - wonderful.

After we finally sat down in the shaking nutshell without touching water we enjoyed the ride very much as the first little channel we were passing was smooth and the atmosphere was extremely relaxed - something we missed for a long time. But then, suddenly the fresh breeze let us hear these familiar voices which we couldn't identify immediately. We saw another gondola in the distance approaching slowly to us. We realized a very big gondola full of big American people (that's only a description of a fact, nothing more), all wearing caps, shorts, sunglasses and cameras - their gondolier standing in the back struggling to move this gondola forwards. Now the distance of that boat and ours became less and suddenly the gondolier of the American tourist boat looked over to us, with a frozen look to Edgar and shouted very loud through the whole channel:

"Look, look - NICK NOLTE!!" Edgar and me automatically turned our heads but we couldn't see Nick Nolte......The gondolier repeated shouting and showing with his finger to Edgar: "NICK, NICK how are you?? We are so happy to meet you!" Now we were suspecting something.......but had no time to think about it, because the riot break loose....the American tourists tried to stand up in their boat and screamed "Nick Nolte! Hi, Nick Nolte!" and wildly raised their hands and cameras to make a snapshot from Edgar and me!!! The clicking of the cameras didn't stop at all, the screaming and waving hands neither and we shouted to our gondolier to move the gondola a bit faster to pass these crazed tourists. "Oh, my God", this was my one thought, "what will Mrs. Nolte think when she will be informed about the fact that her husband rove about with a new girlfriend in Venice??" This is getting absurd now.....The breast of our gondolier was swelling visibly and full of pride (to drive a super star from America!) he shouted to the other gondolier something in Italian which was hard to understand but could be roughly translated as "I already had more stars in my boat than you...!". Finally Edgar gesticulated something with his hands that he is not the person they think of, but without success. The tourists were laughing, their boat was shaking and they were heavily waving their hands even when their gondola was disappearing several meters now.

What about a relaxing and romantic gondola ride?? We were relieved now that the little nightmare was over and enjoyed the rest of the ride. When arriving the pier again we decided to have a coffee in a small Venetian café. The waiter came and suddenly we saw the same frozen look which we realized before in the gondolier's face with the American tourists on board. But after staring at us the waiter disappeared for a minute. Then he came back with a big leathern book. We thought that he would bring us the menu that's why we said: "No, thank you we just want two coffees please." But the waiter said when looking at Edgar: "I know who you are!" Edgar only said: "Ah, yes, that's interesting!" "You are Nick Nolte! But I won't tell anybody else! Please give me an autograph here into my VIP guest book!" said the waiter. Edgar replied: "But I'm not Mr. Nolte, sorry!" The waiter smiled at us making this typical Italian gesture (he draw one eye with his forefinger very wide by opening his mouth at the same time) and looked carefully to the left and to the right replying in a whispering tone: "Yes, Sir, I know what you mean. Believe me I won't reveal that this is you, Mr. Nolte."

Edgar and me then had a long-lasting look at each other and we both thought the same: Let's surrender and be part of this game! Edgar signed something into the waiter's guest book which could hardly be recognized as a signature but the Venetian waiter (who told us afterwards that he's the proprietor of the café) was very content and happy. Finally he brought us the long awaited coffee which he vehemently refused us to pay for. After a while we said "ciao and mille grazie" and when leaving the site we felt thousand eyes on our back ......Bella Italia!

Isn't it absurd being recognized as a famous person but not as the person you really are?

Who said that reality isn't surreal sometimes?

This is part of a blog on the TDOC on the same subject
I knew I read somewhere that Edgar had been confused with Nick Nolte.

....would have been funny if someone had commented on Nick putting on a very good German accent.